We are happy to announce important changes to our California Contractors License Online Practice Exam system. As of May all students will experience New and Improved Online Exam System. In addition to a new study mode, the new system features an entirely new engine to keep up with online changes and is optimized for use with mobile devices. Following are the features of the new online system:
1. Optimized for mobile phones / devices.
Yes, it will work with iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Android, etc.
2. An updated framework/engine to take advantage of new web technologies.
What does this mean? As web technology improves, websites quickly age and become outdated. We're on top of this and are preemptively rolling out new systems.
3. New student interface and code activation process.
Students will no longer need to input an activation code multiple times. We've streamlined the process.
4. Plan Questions and Mobile Tests.
How do students read plan questions on a Mobile phone? We're in the process of separating the plan questions from the tests. That way students can do an entire practie test on thier mobile device. Plan questionsand tests will still be available to students, but it will be in a separate test with a downloadable PDF. The General Building course already has this new feature available to students.
5. Now 3 ways to study: Flash Cards, Non-Graded Quizzes, and Exam Simulations.
We've added a 3rd stude method. Non-Graded quizzes allow students to study in a traditional multi-choce format. Students must choose the correct answer before moving to the next question.
6. Improved score and activity tracking.
Exam Simulations factor in to student progress and calculate an overall course score. We can also track student attempts and history to verify study and use habits. This will help direct students that have dificulty passing the State exam.
7. A foundation for the future.
The robust features of examcenter.com will allow us to begin rolling out new features such as streaming video.
8. What happens to the old examprepcenter.com site?
We'll keep it long enough for students to finish up on that site. All new students will be activated on the New System.
Freedom Business School is committed to the best customer service and student support. We are looking forward to helping you get your CA Contractors LIcense. We also offer courses for Building Inspector Certification, Real Estate Licensing and Contractors' Licensing for the States of Virginia and Arizona.